Feel to Heal
Sign up for our free mini course for beginners
In 3 simple lessons, you will learn how to begin to feel your body in order to heal it. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised by our gentle yet powerful approach. Your bones, muscles, and joints will be grateful for that.
Meet Your Teacher
Marek Wyszynski is President and Clinical Director of Physical Therapy and Feldenkrais® NYC, a member of the Hospital for Special Surgery Rehabilitation Network. He is a co-founder of the Feldenkrais Foundation and the Feldenkrais Institute of New York. A former supervisor of The New York Pain Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital, Marek worked with Dr. Hans Kraus (pioneer of sports medicine, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and trigger-point therapy).
“No pain, no gain” does NOT work
What does work in the long run is patience and gradual change. Pushing limits may lead to injuries. The Feldenkrais® Method is probably different from everything you tried before. It is about learning. Learning to use your body with awareness, learning choices, and control.
What makes it powerful is listening to your body and being gentle to yourself. Healing and greater resilience can come from trust and patience, not from pressure.
This mini course is an invitation to experience a method that may change your life, as it did in our case. Give it a try and sign up now.
Feel in order to heal
As a result of an injury, we often change and limit the use of the part of the body affected. We may adapt the way we walk to accommodate the change in our system. Sometimes a new sense of fear or hesitation may be present with certain movements.. With time, something that was temporary becomes a new reality. Sometimes, to keep up with the pace of life, we numb or ignore some bodily sensations or feelings. This approach, while it may serve short term, is not the way to heal and stay healthy. Our body and mind need in-depth understanding, patience, and mindful care can “rewire” our brain and learn to live and move in a healthier and less painful way. The Feldenkrais® Method is gentle yet extremely powerful.
What will you learn?
Free Mini Course “Feel to Heal” DAY #1
We want people to feel good in their bodies and understand that small and simple movements done with awareness are powerful. Even if you have severe scoliosis, you still can move beautifully, harmoniously, and with ease. Sign up for free here.
Awareness is what allows us to pay attention and recognize differences. We can change through learning, and this is what we attempt to tap into when we work. The reason why we teach body literacy is to help you gain control of your body and your movements. Join this free course.
Time for practice. The best way to experience the beauty and power of the Feldenkrais® method is to try it yourself. In Practice #1 you will improve the turning of the head and neck. Sign up for free here.
Free Mini Course “Feel to Heal” DAY #2
The Feldenkrais® method is more than just a physical exercise, it is a movement-based learning process. You learn to sense differences between one way of moving and another way of moving. Your brain is making comparisons and choosing what serves you better in a particular moment. It is not a quick fix, but the process of gradual and lasting change begins immediately.
You will learn about the power of very slow, small, and gentle movements. The teacher will guide you through those sensations. Many of our clients, when getting up from the lesson, are stunned by the ease, a sense of spontaneous uprightness, height, and a lightness of being.
Time for Practice #2. Today, I invite you to focus on your breath and combine it with a gentle yet powerful Feldenkrais® approach. Join the course today. It is totally free.
Free Mini Course “Feel to Heal” DAY #3
We asked our students to share with us what’s so special about the Feldenkrais® method, and also what was the most difficult or confusing when explaining it to the beginners. Their insights are wonderful. We hope their words will help you understand this unique approach even better.
Time for Practice #3 which will help you improve your sitting posture. It is particularly important when you spend lots of time at your home office desk, in front of a computer. Sign up for free.
Do you feel the difference in your body after these 3 days of practice? Are you ready for more? If the answer is yes, please stay tuned and check emails from PT & Feldenkrais® NYC. We are wrapping up something special for you. You will get an email with all the details right after you complete Day#3 of the course.
Here’s what people have to say about this method…
I find Feldenkrais to be the next level of mind/body connection
I’ve been attending classes for several years — in person and more recently on Zoom. In that time, I regained lost mobility, improved my balance, and became strong and flexible. It’s hard to explain the Feldenkrais method in a few words, but the results of these targeted physical lessons are monumental. As a longtime yoga and Pilates student, I find Feldenkrais to be the next level of mind/body connection. Great instruction and very, very reasonable prices.
Irene Silber
Practicing the Feldenkrais Method has changed my life.
After a lifetime of being told to stand straight and failing, I finally know how to keep a good posture. I owe this change to the fabulous trainers at Physical Therapy and Feldenkrais. They are knowledgeable, patient and very caring. Best of all, they are optimistic and know that change is possible with an intelligent focus on what matters. I highly recommend their services for anyone wishing to improve their self-use or needing help to reduce pain or to heal after an injury.
Hania Zlotnik
It really works
I had never heard of Feldenkrais before but having had a labral tear in my shoulder, I had tried traditional physical therapy and all pain-relieving modalities – anything and everything – I tried it just to manage the pain. I’ve been coming here for almost a year now, and they have made a believer out of me – it really works. All I can say is that I’m so amazed at all that I have learned and my body is totally different than when I walked in. I’ve worked with Marek & Valerie and they have an incredible ability to see – by just having me walk – what I can work on to help me move with less effort/pain and more ease. They are super insightful and creative to work with you in whatever you want to get better in.
I am happy to say that my shoulder is doing fine without surgery – the combo of Feldenkrais and strengthening exercises has gotten me further than I had ever thought was possible. I’m an athlete and continue to participate in my sport and do other things I didn’t think I could continue to do after my injury. […]
My recommendations for people – if you’re considering surgery but are hesitant I would recommend coming here first. As an athlete, if you want to improve technique and movement, I recommend coming here. If you’re just a New Yorker with a desk job where you have to sit all day – I’d recommend coming here. If you are getting older each day and get some aches here and there – I’d recommend coming here. 🙂
Jamie T.
Feldenkrais instruction, whether in a class or one-on-one, has helped me in many ways. Heightened awareness of how I habitually use my body, leading to an awareness of how I might better use it – coupled with substantial psychological benefits – make it a valuable tool in pursuit of optimal health.
Delmont Barbor
The Feldenkrais method has been incredible for me, and I am so eager to constantly share that with others. […] I was born with cerebral palsy and went through years and years of physical therapy. The Feldenkrais method has helped me in more ways that conventional physical therapy didn’t.
About The Teacher
Experience the Feldenkrais Method with Marek Wyszynski
Marek is President and Clinical Director of Physical Therapy and Feldenkrais® NYC, and a member of the Hospital for Special Surgery Rehabilitation Network. He is a co-founder of the Feldenkrais Foundation and the Feldenkrais Institute of New York and has worked with Dr. Hans Kraus as head of rehabilitation for The New York Pain Treatment Program at Lenox Hill Hospital.
Marek has 30 years of experience working with people suffering from pain and orthopedic neurological problems. He has also trained athletes and performing artists. Marek has published articles in medical journals (Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, Pain Practitioner) and leads continuing education courses explicitly designed to bridge the complementary worlds of Physical Therapy and the Feldenkrais Method®. He is a former national champion of Poland and individual bronze and team silver medalist of the 2019 Fencing Veteran’s World Championships.
Feel well in your body again
Join “Feel to Heal”, our free mini course for beginners. In 3 simple lessons, you will begin to learn how to feel your body in order to heal it. Let yourself be pleasantly surprised by our gentle yet powerful approach. Your bones, muscles, and joints will be grateful.